Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. bear                  
1. stand \'stand\ \'stu.d\ vb or stood;  or stand.ing [ME standen, fr. OE 
   standan; akin to OHG stantan, sta-n] to stand, L stare, Gk histanai to 
   cause to stand, set, histasthai to stand, be standing 1a: to support 
   oneself on the feet in an erect position  1b: to be a (specified) height 
   when fully erect  1c: to rise to an erect position  2a: to take up or 
   maintain a specified position or posture {~ asid e} 2b: to maintain one's 
   position  3a: to be firm and steadfast in support or opposition  3b: to be 
   in a particular state or situation {~s accused}  4: to hold a course at sea 
    obs  5: HESITATE  6: to have or maintain a relative position in or as if 
   in a graded scale <(~s first in his class} chiefly Brit  7: to be a 
   candidate : RUN  8a: to rest or remain upright on a base or lower end  8b: 
   to occupy a place or location  9a: to remain stationary or inactive {the 
   car stood in the garage  for a week} {rainwater ~ing in stagnant pools} 9b: 
   to gather slowly and remain {tears ~ing in her eyes}  10: AGREE, ACCORD - 
   used chiefly in the expression it sta nds to reason 11a: to exist in a 
   definite written or printed form {copy a passage exac tly as it ~s} 11b: to 
   remain valid or efficacious {the order given last week as it @s} of a male 
   animal  12: to be available as a sire - used esp. of horses  1a: to endure 
   or undergo successfully  1b: TOLERATE, BEAR  2: to remain firm in the face 
   of  3: to submit to {~ trial}  4a: to perform the duty of {~ guard}  4b: to 
   participate in (a military formation)  5: to pay for {~ drinks}  6: to set 
   upright  : to have a chance  : to remain loyal or faithful to : DEFEND  1: 
   to be a symbol for : REPRESENT  2: to put up with : PERMIT  1: to depend 
   upon  2: to insist on  : to maintain one's position  1: to play one's hand 
   as dealt in draw poker without resorting to the draw  2: to oppose or 
   resist change  - stand.er n
2. stand n 1: an act of stopping or staying in one place  2a: a halt for 
   defense or resistance  2b: a defensive effort of some duration or degree of 
   success {goal-line (R@} 2c1: a stop made to give a performance  2c2: a town 
   where such a stop is made  3a: a place or post where one stands  3b: a 
   position esp. with respect to an issue  4a: the place taken by a witness 
   for testifying in court  4b: a section of the tiered seats for spectators 
   of an outdoor sport or spe ctacle; also : the occupants of such seats - 
   usu. used in pl. 4c: a raised platform serving as a point of vantage (as 
   for a speaker)  5a: a small often open-air structure for a small retail 
   business  5b: a site fit for business opportunity  6: a place where a 
   passenger vehicle stops or parks  7: HIVE  8: a frame on or in which 
   something may be placed for support  9: a group of plants growing in a 
   continuous area  10: a standing posture