Webster's English Dictionary

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1. oc.cult \*-'k*lt, a:-\ vb [L occultare, fr. occultus, pp.] 1: to hide 
   from sight : CONCEAL  2: to conceal by occultation  : to become concealed 
   or extinguished  - oc.cult.er n
2. oc.cult \*-'k*lt, a:-; 'a:k-.*lt\ aj [L occultus, fr. pp. of occulere to 
   cover up, fr. ob- in the]way + -culere (akin to celare to conceal) - more 
   at OB-, HELL 1: not revealed : SECRET  2: ABSTRUSE, MYSTERIOUS  3: not able 
   to be seen or detected : CONCEALED  4: of or relating to supernatural 
   agencies, their effects, and knowledge o f them - oc.cult.ly av
3. occult \like2\ n : occult matters