Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hide \'hi-d\ n [ME, fr. OE hi-gid] : any of various old English units of 
   land area (usu. 120 acres) 
2. hide \'hid\ \'hid-*n\ \hi-d-in\ \'hi-d-*r\ vb or hid;  or hid.den;  or 
   hid or hid.ing [ME hiden, fr. OE hy-dan; akin to Gk keuthein to conceal, OE 
   ]hy-d hide, skin 1a: to put out of sight : SECRETE  1b: to conceal for 
   shelter or protection : SHIELD  2: to keep secret  3: to screen from view  
   4: to turn (the eyes or face) away in shame or anger  1: to remain out of 
   sight  2: to seek protection or evade responsibility {~s behind dar k 
   glasses}ean to withhold or withdraw from sight. HIDE may or may not suggest 
   intent; CONCEAL usu. does imply intent and often specif. implies a refusal 
   to divulge; SCREEN implies an interposing of something that prevents 
   discovery; SECRETE suggests a depositing in a place unknown to others; BURY 
   implies an often accidental covering up so as to hide completely - hid.er n 
3. hide n [ME, fr. OE hy-d; akin to OHG hu-t hide, L cutis skin,]Gk kytos 
   hollow vessel : the skin of an animal whether raw or dressed - used esp. of 
   large heav y skins
4. hide vt or hid.ed;  or hid.ing : to give a beating to : FLOG