Webster's English Dictionary

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1. plus \'pl*s\ pp [L, adv., more, fr. neut. of plur-, plus, adj., more; 
   akin to Gk Xpleio-n more, L plenus full - more at FULL 1: increased by : 
   with the addition of {four ~ five} {the de bt ~ interest} 2: having gained 
   : WITH 
2. plus n 1: an added quantity  2: a positive factor or quality : ADVANTAGE 
    3: SURPLUS 
3. plus aj 1a: requiring addition  1b: algebraically positive  2: having, 
   receiving, or being in addition to what is anticipated  3a: falling high in 
   a specified range {a grade of C ~}  3b: greater than that specified  3c: 
   possessing a specified quality to a high degree  4: electrically positive