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Cross references:
  1. line                  
1. range \'ra-nj\ n [ME, row of persons, fr. OF renge, fr. rengier to 
   range] often attrib  1a1: a series of things in a line : ROW  1a2: a series 
   of mountains  1a3: one of the north-south rows of a township in a U.S. 
   public-land survey  that are numbered east and west from the principal 
   meridian of the survey 1b: an aggregate of individuals in one order  1c: a 
   direction line  2: a cooking stove that has a flat top with plates or racks 
   to hold utensil s over flames or coils and an oven 3a: a place that may be 
   ranged over  3b: an open region over which livestock may roam and feed  3c: 
   the region throughout which a kind of organism or ecological community  
   naturally lives or occurs 4: the act of ranging about  5a1: the horizontal 
   distance to which a projectile can be propelled  5a2: the maximum distance 
   a vehicle can travel without refueling  5b: a place where shooting is 
   practiced  6a: the space or extent included, covered, or used : SCOPE  6b: 
   the extent of pitch covered by a melody or lying within the capacity of  a 
   voice or instrument 7a: a sequence, series, or scale between limits  7b: 
   the limits of a series  7c: the difference between the least and greatest 
   values of the attribute o r variable of a frequency distribution 8a: the 
   set of values a function may take on  8b: the class of admissible values of 
   a variable 
2. range vb [ME rangen, fr. MF ranger to set in a row, place, fr. OF 
   rengier], fr. renc, reng line, place, row - more at RANK 1a: to set in a 
   row or in the proper order  1b: to place among others in a position or 
   situation  1c: to assign to a category : CLASSIFY  2a: to rove over or 
   through  2b: to sail or pass along  3: to arrange (as anchor cable) on deck 
    4: to graze (livestock) on a range  5: to determine or give the elevation 
   necessary for (a gun) to propel a pr ojectile to a given distance 1a: to 
   roam at large or freely  1b: to move over an area so as to explore it  2: 
   to take a position  3a: to correspond in direction or line : ALIGN  3b: to 
   extend in a particular direction  4: to have range  5: to change or differ 
   within limits  of an organism  6: to live or occur in or be native to a 