Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. sure                  
1. pos.i.tive \'pa:z-*t-iv, 'pa:z-tiv\ aj [ME, fr. LF positif, fr. L 
   positivus, fr. positus] 1a: formally laid down or imposed : PRESCRIBED {~ 
   laws}  1b: expressed clearly or peremptorily  1c1: fully assured : 
   CONFIDENT  1c2: SELF-ASSURED, ARROGANT  2a: of, relating to, or 
   constituting the degree of comparison that is expr essed in English by the 
   unmodified and uninflected form of an adjective or adverb and denotes no 
   increase or diminution 2b1: independent of changing circumstances : 
   UNCONDITIONED  2b2: relating to or constituting a motion or device that is 
   definite, unyi elding, constant, or certain in its action {~ system of 
   levers} 2c: INCONTESTABLE {~ proof} : UNQUALIFIED {a @ disgrace} 3a: not 
   fictitious : REAL  3b: active and effective in social or economic function 
   rather than merely  maintaining peace and order {~ government} 4a: having 
   or expressing actual existence or quality as distinguished from  
   deprivation or deficiency {~ change in temperature} : as 4a1: logically 
   affirmative {~ instance}  4a2: not speculative : EMPIRICAL  4b: having 
   rendition of light and shade similar in tone to the tones of th e original 
   subject {a ~ photographic image} 4c: that is or is generated in a direction 
   arbitrarily or customarily take n as that of increase or progression {~ 
   rotation of the earth ~ angles} 4d: real and numerically greater than zero 
   {[~] is a ~ i nteger} 5a1: being, relating to, or charged with electricity 
   of a kind of which th e proton possesses an elementary unit and which 
   predominates in a glass body after being rubbed with silk 5a2: losing 
   electrons : ELECTROPOSITIVE, BASIC  5b1: having higher electric potential 
   and constituting the part from which  the current flows to the external 
   circuit {the ~ terminal of a discharging storage battery} 5b2: being an 
   electron-collecting electrode of an electron tube  6a: marked by or 
   indicating agreement or affirmation {a ~ response } 6b: affirming the 
   presence of that sought or suspected to be present {R@ test for blood} - 
   pos.i.tive.ly av
2. positive n : something positive : as  : the positive degree of 
   comparison in a language  : a positive form of an adjective or adverb  : 
   something of which an affirmation can be made : REALITY  : a positive 
   photograph or a print from a negative