Webster's English Dictionary

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pres.i.dent \'prez-*d-*nt, 'prez-d*nt also 'prez-*-.dent\ 
   \(.)prez-(*-)'den-ch*l\ n [ME, fr. MF, fr. L praesident-, praesidens, fr. 
   prp. of praeside]-re 1: an official chosen to preside over a meeting or 
   assembly  2: an appointed governor of a subordinate political unit  3: the 
   chief officer of a corporation, institution, or similar organization  usu. 
   entrusted with the direction and administration of its policies 4: the 
   presiding officer of a governmental body  5a: an elected official serving 
   as both chief of state and chief political  executive in a republic having 
   a presidential government 5b: an elected official having the position of 
   chief of state but usu. only  minimal political powers in a republic having 
   a parliamentary government - pres.i.den.tial aj