Webster's English Dictionary

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1. body \'ba:d-e-\ n [ME, fr. OE bodig; akin to OHG botah body] 1a: the 
   organized physical substance of an animal or plant either living or  dead : 
   as 1a1: the material part or nature of man  1a2: the dead organism : CORPSE 
    1a3: the person of a human being before the law  1b: a human being : 
   PERSON  2a: the main part of a plant or animal body esp. as distinguished 
   from limb s and head : TRUNK 2b: the main, central, or principal part : as  
   2b1: the nave of a church  2b2: the bed or box of a vehicle on or in which 
   the load is placed  3a: the part of a garment covering the body or trunk  
   3b: the main part of a document as distinguished from the title, preface, o 
   r appendixes 3c: the sound box or pipe of a musical instrument  3d: printed 
   text : ordinary reading matter  4a: a mass of matter distinct from other 
   masses  4b: one of the seven planets of the old astronomy  4c: something 
   that embodies or gives concrete reality to a thing; specif  : a sensible 
   object in physical space 5: a group of persons or things : as  5a: a 
   fighting unit : FORCE  5b: a group of individuals organized for some 
   purpose : CORPORATION  {a legislative ~} 6a: VISCOSITY, CONSISTENCY - used 
   esp. of oils and grease  6b: resonance of musical tone  6c: richness of 
   flavor - used of a beverage  7: the part of a printing type extending from 
   foot to shoulder and underlyi ng the bevel
2. body vt : to give form or shape to : EMBODY