Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sub.or.di.nate \s*-'bo.rd-*n-*t, -'bo.rd-n*t\ aj [ME subordinat, fr. ML 
   subordinatus, pp. of subordinare to su]bordinate, fr. L sub- + ordinare to 
   order - more at ORDAIN 1: placed in a lower class or rank : INFERIOR  2: 
   submissive to or controlled by authority  3a: of, relating to, or 
   constituting a clause that functions as a noun, ad jective, or adverb 3b: 
   grammatically subordinating  - sub.or.di.nate.ly av
2. subordinate n : one that is subordinate 
3. sub.or.di.nate \s*-'bo.rd-*n-.a-t\ \-.bo.rd-*n-'a--sh*n\ 
   \-'bo.rd-*n-.a-t-iv\ vt 1: to place in a lower order or class  2: to make 
   subject or subservient : SUBDUE  - sub.or.di.na.tion n