Webster's English Dictionary

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di.rec.tion \d*-'rek-sh*n, di--\ n 1a: guidance or supervision of action or 
   conduct  1b: the art and technique of directing an orchestra or theatrical 
   productio n 1c: a word, phrase, or sign indicating the appropriate tempo, 
   mood, or inte nsity of a passage of movement in music archaic  2: 
   SUPERSCRIPTION  3a: something imposed as authoritative instruction or 
   bidding : ORDER)M 3b: an explicit instruction  4: the line or course on 
   which something is moving or is aimed to move or a long which something is 
   pointing or facing 5a: a channel or direct course of thought or action  5b: 
   TENDENCY, TREND  5c: guiding or governing purpose  archaic  6: DIRECTORATE