Webster's English Dictionary

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1. roy.al \'ro.i(-*)l\ \'ro.i-*-le-\ aj [ME roial, fr. MF, fr. L regalis, 
   fr. reg-, rex king; a]kin to OIr ri- (gen. ri-g) king, Skt ra-jan, L regere 
   to rule - more at RIGHT 1a: of kingly ancestry  1b: of, relating to, or 
   subject to the crown  1c: being in the crown's service {~ prosecutor Royal 
   Air For ce} 2a: suitable for royalty : MAGNIFICENT  2b: requiring no 
   exertion : EASY  3a: of superior size, magnitude, or quality  3b: 
   established or chartered by the crown  4: of, relating to, or being a part 
   (as a mast, sail, or yard) next above  the topgallant - roy.al.ly av
2. royal n 1: a stag of eight years or more having antlers with at least 
   twelve points  2: a small sail on the royal mast immediately above the 
   topgallant sail  3: a size of paper usu. 20 x 25 or 19 x 24 inches