Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. circumference         
1. cir.cuit \'s*r-k*t\ \-k*t-*l\ n [ME, fr. MF circuite, fr. L circuitus, 
   fr. pp. of circumire,] often attrib circuire to go around, fr. circum- + 
   ire to go - more at ISSUE 1a: a usu. circular line encompassing an area  
   1b: the space enclosed within such a line  2a: a course around a periphery  
   2b: a circuitous or indirect route  3a: an accustomed tour (as by a 
   traveling judge or preacher) around an assi gned district or territory 3b: 
   the route traveled  4a: the complete path of an electric current including 
   usu. the source of e lectric energy 4b: an assemblage of electronic 
   elements : HOOKUP  5a: an association of similar groups : LEAGUE  5b: a 
   group of establishments offering similar entertainment or presenting  a 
   series of contests; esp : a chain of theaters at which productions are 
   successively presented - cir.cuit.al aj
2. circuit vt : to make a circuit about to make a circuit