Webster's English Dictionary

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move.ment \'mu:v-m*nt\ n 1a1: the act or process of moving; esp : change of 
   place or positio n or posture 1a2: a particular instance or manner of 
   moving  1b1: a tactical or strategic shifting of a military unit : MANEUVER 
    1b2: the advance of a military unit  1c: ACTION, ACTIVITY  1d: a change in 
   the price of a commodity or stock  2a: TENDENCY, TREND  2b: a series of 
   organized activities working toward an objective  3: the moving parts of a 
   mechanism that transmit a definite motion  4a: MOTION  4b: the rhythmic 
   character or quality of a musical composition  4c: TIME  4d: TEMPO  4e: a 
   distinct structural unit or division forming part of an extended musi cal 
   composition 4f: particular rhythmic flow of language : CADENCE  5a: a 
   quality in a work of art of representing or suggesting motion  5b: the 
   quality in literature of having a quickly moving plot or an abundan ce of 
   incident 6a: an act of voiding the bowels  6b: matter expelled from the 
   bowels at one passage : STOOL