Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stage \'sta-j\ n [ME, fr. OF estage, fr. (assumed) VL staticum, fr. L 
   stare to] stand - more at STAND 1a: one of a series of positions or 
   stations one above the other : STE P 1b: the height of the surface of a 
   river above an arbitrary zero point  2a1: a raised platform  2a2: the part 
   of a theater between the proscenium and the rear wall includi ng the acting 
   area, wings, and storage space 2b: a center of attention or scene of action 
    3a: a scaffold for workmen  3b: the small platform of a microscope on 
   which an object is placed for exa mination 4a: a place of rest formerly 
   provided for those traveling by stagecoach :  STATION 4b: the distance 
   between two stopping places on a road  4c: STAGECOACH  5a: a period or step 
   in a process, activity, or development  5b: one passing through a 
   (specified) stage  6: an element or part in a complex electronic 
   contrivance; specif :  a single tube with its associated components in an 
   amplifier 7: a propulsion unit of a rocket with its own fuel and container  
   : in or into the acting profession  - on the stage 
2. stage vt 1: to produce on the stage  2: to produce for public view {~ a 
   track meet}