Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. improve               
1. bet.ter \'bet-*r\ aj [ME bettre, fr. OE betera; akin to OE bo-t remedy, 
   Skt ] comparative of GOOD bhadra fortunate 1: more than half  2: improved 
   in health  3: of high quality {ladies ~ dresses} 
2. better av comparative of WELL  1: in a more excellent manner  2a: to a 
   higher or greater degree  2b: MORE 
3. better n 1a: something better  1b: a superior esp. in merit or rank  2: 
   ADVANTAGE, VICTORY {get the ~ of him} 
4. better vt 1: to make better : as  1a: AMELIORATE  1b: to improve the 
   condition of  2: to surpass in excellence : EXCEL  : to become better