de.vel.op \di-'vel-*p\ \-'vel-*-p*-b*l\ vb [F de`velopper, fr. OF
desvoloper, fr. des- de- + voloper] to wrap 1a: to set forth or make clear
by degrees or in detail : EXPOUND 1b: to make visible or manifest 1c: to
treat with an agent to cause the appearance of color 1d: to subject
(exposed photograph material) to a usu. chemical treatment to produce a
visible image; also : to make visible by such a method 1e: to elaborate by
the unfolding of a musical idea and by the working out of rhythmic and
harmonic changes in the theme 2: to evolve the possibilities of 3a1: to
make active 3a2: to promote the growth of {~ed his muscles} 3b: to make
available or usable {~ its resources} 3c: to move (a chess piece) from the
original position to one providing mo re opportunity for effective use 4a:
to cause to unfold gradually {~ed his argument} 4b: to expand by a process
of growth 4c: to cause to grow and differentiate along lines natural to
its kind { rain and sun ~ the grain} 5: to acquire gradually {~ a taste for
olives} 6: to superimpose (a three-dimensional surface) on a plane without
stretch ing 1a: to go through a process of natural growth, differentiation,
or evoluti on by successive changes {a blossom ~s from a bud} 1b: to
acquire secondary sex characters 1c: EVOLVE, DIFFERENTIATE; broadly : GROW
2a: to become gradually manifest 2b: to become apparent 3: to develop
one's pieces in chess - aj