Webster's English Dictionary

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1. move \'mu:v\ vb [ME moven, fr. MF movoir, fr. L move-re] 1a: to go 
   continuously from one point to another : PROCEED  1b: to start away from 
   some point or place : DEPART  1c: to change one's residence or location  
   1d: to change hands by being sold or rented  2a1: to change position or 
   posture : STIR  2a2: to begin operating or functioning or working in a 
   usual way  2b: to show marked activity : HUM  3: to live one's life in a 
   specified environment  4: to take action : ACT  5: to make a formal request 
   or application or appeal  of the bowels  6: EVACUATE  1a1: to change the 
   place or position of  1a2: to dislodge or displace from a fixed position : 
   BUDGE  1b: to transfer (as a piece in chess) from one position to another  
   1c: to cause to change hands through sale or rent  2a1: to cause to go 
   continuously from one point to another {moved  the flag slowly up and down} 
   2a2: to cause to advance  2b: to activate into operating or functioning or 
   working in a usual way :: ACTUATE 2c: to put into activity or rouse up from 
   inactivity  3: to cause to change position or posture  4: to prompt or 
   rouse to the doing of something : PERSUADE  5: to stir the emotions, 
   feelings, or passions of  obs  6a: BEG  6b: to make a formal application to 
    7: to propose formally in a deliberative assembly  8: to cause (the 
   bowels) to void eep in motion. MOVE is very general and implies no more 
   than the fact of changing position; ACTUATE stresses the communication of 
   power to work or set in motion; DRIVE implies imparting forward and 
   continuous motion and often stresses the effect rather than the impetus; 
   IMPEL suggests the working of a greater impetus producing more headlong 
   action SYN syn MOVE, ACTUATE, DRIVE, IMPEL mean to set or k 
2. move n 1a: the act of moving a piece (as in chess)  1b: the turn of a 
   player to move  2a: a step taken so as to gain an objective : MANEUVER  2b: 
   the action of moving from a motionless position  2c: a change of residence 
   or location  1: in a state of moving about from place to place  2: in a 
   state of moving ahead or making progress  - on the move