Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. declare               
pro.mul.gate \'pra:m-*l-.ga-t; pro--'m*l-, pr*-', 'pro--(.)\ 
   \.pra:m-*l-'ga--sh*n; .pro--m*l-, (.)pro--., pr*-.\ \'pra:m-*l-.ga-t-*r; 
   pro--'m*l-, pr*-', 'pro--(.)\ vt [L promulgatus, pp. of promulgare] 1: to 
   make known by open declaration : PROCLAIM  2a: to make known or public the 
   terms of (a proposed law)  2b: to issue or give out (a law) by way of 
   putting into execution  - pro.mul.ga.tion n