Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. effect                 2. spring                
1. is.sue also in issue \'ish-(.)u:, 'ish-u., chiefly Brit 'is-(.)yu:, 
   -yu.\ n [ME, exit, proceeds, fr. MF, fr. OF, fr. issir to come out, go out, 
   fr. L] exire to go out, fr. ex- + ire to go; akin to Goth iddja he went, Gk 
   ienai to go, Skt eti he goes pl  1: proceeds from a source of revenue (as 
   an estate)  2: the action of going, coming, or flowing out : EGRESS, 
   EMERGEN CE 3: a means or place of going out : EXIT, OUTLET  4: OFFSPRING, 
   PROGENY  5a: final outcome : RESULT  obs  5b: a final conclusion or 
   decision about something arrived at after conside ration archaic  5c: 
   TERMINATION, END {hope that his enterprise would have a p rosperous ~ 
   -T.B.Macaulay} 6a: a matter that is in dispute between two or more parties 
   : a point of  debate or controversy 6b: the point at which an unsettled 
   matter is ready for a decision {broug ht the matter to an ~} 7: a discharge 
   (as of blood) from the body  8a: something coming forth from a specified 
   source {~s of a d isordered imagination} obs  8b: DEED  9a: the act of 
   officially giving out or printing (as new currency, supplies , an order) : 
   PUBLICATION 9b: the thing or the whole quantity of things given out at one 
   time {new  ~ of stamps} {stock ~} 1: in a state of controversy : in 
   disagreement  2: under discussion or in dispute  - at issue 
2. issue vi 1a: to go, come, or flow out  1b: to come forth : EMERGE  1c: 
   to come to an issue of law or fact in pleading  2: ACCRUE  3: to descend 
   from a specified parent or ancestor  4: to be a consequence or final 
   outcome : EMANATE, RESULT  5: to appear or become available through being 
   officially put forth or dis tributed : appear through issuance or 
   publication 6: EVENTUATE, TERMINATE  1: to cause to come forth : DISCHARGE, 
   EMIT  2a: to put forth or distribute officially {government issued a new  
   airmail stamp} {~ orders to advance} 2b: to send out for sale or 
   circulation : PUBLISH  - is.su.er n