Webster's English Dictionary

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1. give \'giv\ \'ga-v\ \'giv-*n\ vb or gave;  or giv.en or giv.ing [ME 
   given, of Scand origin; akin to OSw giva to give; akin to OE Xgiefan, gifan 
   to give, L habe-re to have, hold 1: to make a present of  2a: to grant or 
   bestow by formal action  2b: to accord or yield to another {gave him her 
   confidence}  3a: to put into the possession of another for his use : HAND  
   3b1: to administer as a sacrament  3b2: to administer as a medicine  3c: to 
   commit to the trust or keeping of another  3d: to transfer from one's 
   authority or custody  3e: to execute and deliver {all employees must ~ 
   bond}  3f: to offer for conveyance or transmittal {~ my regards to your f 
   amily} 4a: to offer to the action of another : PROFFER {gave his  hand to 
   the visitor} 4b: to yield to a man in sexual intercourse  5a: to present in 
   public performance {~ a concert}  5b: to present to view or observation 
   {gave the signal to start}  6: to provide by way of entertainment {~ a 
   party}  7: to propose as a toast  8a: to designate as a share or portion : 
   ALLOT  8b: to make assignment of (a name)  8c: to set forth as an actual or 
   hypothetical datum : ASSUME  8d: ATTRIBUTE, ASCRIBE {gave all the glory to 
   God}  9a: to yield as a product, consequence, or effect : PRODUCE {cow s ~ 
   milk} {84 divided by 12 ~s 7} 9b: to bring forth : BEAR  10a: to yield 
   possession of by way of exchange : PAY  10b: to dispose of for a price : 
   SELL  11a: to deliver by some bodily action {gave him a push}  11b: EXECUTE 
    11c: to inflict as punishment  11d: to award by formal verdict {judgment 
   was given against the pl aintiff} 12: to offer for consideration, 
   acceptance, or use {~s no re ason for his absence} 13a: SACRIFICE  13b: 
   CONSIGN, COMMEND  13c: to apply freely or fully : DEVOTE  13d: to offer as 
   a pledge {I ~ you my word}  14a: OCCASION {mountains always gave him 
   pleasure}  14b: to cause a person to catch by contagion, infection, or 
   exposure  15: PERMIT, CONCEDE  16: to care to the extent of {didn't ~ a 
   hang}  1: to make gifts or presents : CONTRIBUTE, DONATE  2a: to yield to 
   physical force or strain  2b: to collapse from the application of force or 
   pressure  of weather  3a: to become mild  of frozen ground  3b: THAW  4: to 
   afford a view or passage : OPEN M: GIVE is the general term applicable to 
   passing over, delivering, transmitting in any manner; PRESENT suggests more 
   ceremony and implies a degree of value or complexity in what is given; 
   DONATE implies a publicized giving as to charity; BESTOW implies a settling 
   of something on one as a gift and often suggests condescension in the 
   giver; CONFER applies to the giving of an intangible thing of permanent 
   value (as an honor, privilege, rank); AFFORD implies a giving or supplying 
   that is a natural consequence of the character of the thing that gives : to 
   acquit (oneself) well  : to withdraw before superior force : RETREAT  : to 
   open the throttle of : speed up  of hounds  : to begin barking on the scent 
    1a: RETREAT  1b: to yield the right of way  2: to yield oneself without 
   restraint or control  3a: COLLAPSE, FAIL  3b: CONCEDE  4: to yield place  
   5: to begin to row  - give a good account of  SYN syn PRESENT, DONATE, 
2. give n 1: capacity or tendency to yield to force or strain  2: the 
   quality or state of being springy