Webster's English Dictionary

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1. py.ro.tech.nic \.pi--r*-'tek-nik\ \-ni-k*l\ \-k(*-)le-\ aj [F 
   pyrotechnique, fr. Gk pyr fire + techne- art] : of or relating to 
   pyrotechnics  - py.ro.tech.ni.cal aj
2. pyrotechnic \-'tek-n*st\ n pl but sing or pl in constr  1: the art of 
   making or the manufacture and use of fireworks  pl  2a: materials (as 
   fireworks) for flares or signals  2b: a display of fireworks  3: a 
   spectacular display (as of oratory) - usu. used in pl.  - py.ro.tech.nist n