Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. make                  
1. man.u.fac.ture \.man-(y)*-'fak-ch*r\ n [MF, fr. L manu factus made by 
   hand] 1: something made from raw materials  2a: the process of making wares 
   by hand or by machinery esp. when carried o n systematically with division 
   of labor 2b: a productive industry using mechanical power and machinery  3: 
   the act or process of producing something 
2. manufacture \-'fak-ch*-rin, -'fak-shrin\ vb or man.u.fac.tur.ing 1: to 
   make into a product suitable for use  2a: to make from raw materials by 
   hand or by machinery  2b: to produce according to an organized plan and 
   with division of labor  3: INVENT, FABRICATE  4: to produce as if by 
   manufacturing : CREATE  : to engage in manufacture  - man.u.fac.tur.ing n