Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sing \'sin\ \'san\ \'s*n\ \'sin-in\ \'sin-*-b*l\ vb or sang or sung;  or 
   sung or sing.ing [ME singen, fr. OE singan; akin to OHG singan to sing, Gk 
   ]omphe- voice 1a: to produce musical tones by means of the voice  1b: to 
   utter words in musical tones and with musical inflections and modul ations 
   1c: to deliver songs as a trained or professional singer  2: to make a 
   shrill whining or whistling sound  3a: to relate or celebrate something in 
   verse  3b: to compose poetry  4: to produce musical or harmonious sounds  
   5: BUZZ, RING  6: to make a cry : CALL  7: to give information or evidence  
   1: to utter with musical inflections; esp : to interpret in musica l tones 
   produced by the voice 2: to relate or celebrate in verse  3: CHANT, INTONE  
   4: to bring or accompany to a place or state by singing {~s  the child to 
   sleep} - sing.able aj
2. sing n : a singing esp. in company