Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. crow                  
1. ra.ven \'ra--v*n\ n [ME, fr. OE hrfn; akin to OHG hraban raven, L 
   corvus], Gk korax, L crepare to rattle, crack : a glossy black corvine bird 
   (Corvus corax) of northern Europe, Asi a, and America
2. raven aj : of the color or glossy sheen of the raven 
3. rav.en \'rav-*n\ \-(*-)nin\ \-*-n*r\ vb or rav.en.ing [MF raviner to 
   rush, take by force, fr. ravine rapine] : to devour greedily  1: to feed 
   greedily  2: to prowl for food : PREY  3: PLUNDER  - rav.en.er n