Webster's English Dictionary

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1. feed \'fe-d\ \'fed\ vb or fed;  or feed.ing [ME feden, fr. OE fe-dan; 
   akin to OE fo-da food - mor]e at FOOD 1a: to give food to  1b: to give as 
   food  2: to furnish esp. with something essential to the growth, 
   sustenance, mai ntenance, or operation of 3: to produce or serve as food 
   for  4a: to give satisfaction to : GRATIFY  4b: SUPPORT, ENCOURAGE  5a: to 
   supply for use or consumption  5b1: to supply (a signal) to an electronic 
   circuit  5b2: to send by wire to a transmitting station for broadcast  6: 
   to supply with cues and situations that make a role more effective  1a: to 
   consume food : EAT  1b: PREY - used with on, upon, or off  2: to become 
   nourished or satisfied as if by food  3: to move into a machine or opening 
   in order to be used or processed 
2. feed n 1a: an act of eating  1b: MEAL; esp : a large meal  2a: food for 
   livestock; specif : a mixture or preparation for feedi ng livestock 2b: the 
   amount given at each feeding  3a: material supplied (as to a furnace)  3b: 
   a mechanism by which the action of feeding is effected  3c: the motion or 
   process of carrying forward the material to be operated u pon (as in a 