Webster's English Dictionary

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1. crack \'krak\ vb [ME crakken, fr. OE cracian; akin to Skt jarate it 
   crackles -m more at CRANE 1: to make a very sharp explosive sound in or as 
   if in breaking  2: to break without parting  3: FAIL : as  3a: to lose 
   control or effectiveness under pressure  3b: to fail in tone {voice ~ed}  
   3c: to smash up a vehicle esp. by losing control {~ed up on  a curve} 4: to 
   go at a good speed; specif : to proceed under full sail or s team 5: to 
   break up into simpler compounds usu. as a result of heating  1a: to break 
   so that fissures appear on the surface  1b: to break with a sudden sharp 
   sound {~ nuts}  2a: to utter esp. suddenly or strikingly {~ a joke}  2b: 
   EXTOL, PRAISE {wasn't all it was ~ed up to b e} 3: to strike with a sharp 
   noise : RAP  4: to put on (as full speed)  5a1: to open (as a bottle) for 
   drinking  5a2: to open (a book) for studying  5b: to puzzle out and solve 
   or reveal the mystery of {~ a code}  5c: to break into {~ a safe}  5d: to 
   break through (as a barrier) so as to gain acceptance or recognitio n 6a: 
   to impair seriously or irreparably : WRECK {~ a car up } 6b: to destroy the 
   tone of (a voice)  6c: DISORDER, CRAZE  6d: to interrupt sharply or 
   abruptly  7: to cause to make a sharp noise  8a1: to subject (hydrocarbons) 
   to cracking  8a2: to produce by cracking  8b: to break up (chemical 
   compounds) into simpler compounds by means of he at
2. crack n 1: a sudden sharp noise  dial chiefly Brit  2a: TALK, GOSSIP  
   2b: a sharp witty remark : QUIP  3a: a narrow break : FISSURE  3b: a narrow 
   opening  4a: a weakness or flaw caused by decay, age, or deficiency : 
   UNSOUNDNE SS 4b: a broken tone of a voice  4c: CRACKPOT  5: MOMENT, INSTANT 
    6: HOUSEBREAKING, BURGLARY  7: a sharp resounding blow  8: ATTEMPT, TRY 
3. crack aj : of superior excellence or ability