Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. embarrass             
1. rat.tle \'rat-*l\ \'rat-lin, -*l-in\ vb or rat.tling [ME ratelen; akin 
   to MD ratel rattle, OE hratian to rush -]more at CARDINAL 1: to make a 
   rapid succession of short sharp noises  2: to chatter incessantly and 
   aimlessly  3a: to move with a clatter or rattle  3b: to have room to move 
   about aimlessly  1: to say, perform, or affect in a brisk lively fashion  
   2: to cause to make a rattling sound  3: ROUSE; specif : to beat (a cover) 
   for game  4: to disturb the composure of 
2. rattle n 1a: a rapid succession of sharp clattering sounds  1b: NOISE, 
   RACKET  2a: a device that produces a rattle; specif : a case containing pel 
   lets used as a baby's toy 2b: the sound-producing organ on a rattlesnake's 
   tail  3: a throat noise caused by air passing through mucus and heard esp. 
   at the  approach of death
3. rattle vt [irreg. fr. ratline] : to furnish with ratlines