Webster's English Dictionary

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1. prey \'pra-\ n [ME preie, fr. OF, fr. L praeda; akin to L prehendere to 
   gras]p, seize - more at PREHENSILE archaic  1: SPOIL, BOOTY  2a: an animal 
   taken by a predator as food  2b: one that is helpless or unable to resist 
   attack : VICTIM  3: the act or habit of preying 
2. prey vi [ME preyen, fr. OF preier, fr. L praedari, fr. praeda] 1: to 
   make raids for the sake of booty  2a: to seize and devour prey  2b: to 
   commit violence or robbery or fraud  3: to have an injurious, destructive, 
   or wasting effect  - prey.er n