Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. renew                 
re.ju.ve.nate \ri-'ju:-v*-.na-t\ \ri-.ju:-v*-'na--sh*n, .re--\ 
   \ri-'ju:-v*-.na-t-*r\ \ri-.ju:-v*-'nes-*n(t)s, .re--\ \-*nt\ vb [re- + L 
   juvenis young - more at YOUNG] 1a: to make young or youthful again : 
   REINVIGORATE  1b: to restore to an original or new state  2a: to stimulate 
   (as by uplift) to renewed erosive activity - used of st reams 2b: to 
   develop youthful features of topography in  : to cause or undergo 
   rejuvenation  - re.ju.ve.na.tion n