Webster's English Dictionary

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re.new \ri-'n(y)u:\ \ri-.n(y)u:-*-'bil-*t-e-\ \ri-'n(y)u:-*-b*l\ \-ble-\ vt 
   1: to make new again; also : to gain again as new  2: to make new 
   spiritually : REGENERATE  3: to restore to existence : REVIVE  4: to do 
   again : REPEAT  5: to begin again : RESUME  6: REPLACE  7: to grant or 
   obtain an extension of or on  1: to become new or as new  2: to begin again 
   : RESUME  3: to make a renewal NATE mean to make like new. RENEW implies 
   esp. a replacing damaged or decayed parts; RESTORE implies a return to an 
   original state after depletion or loss; REFRESH suggests a supplying of 
   what restores lost animation or zest; RENOVATE implies a renewing or 
   restoring of a material thing; REJUVENATE suggests the restoring of 
   youthful vigor, powers, and appearance - re.new.abil.i.ty n SYN syn RENEW,