Webster's English Dictionary

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1. re.tic.u.late \-l*t, -.la-t\ \-.lo-s\ aj [L reticulatus, fr. reticulum] 
   1: resembling a net; specif : having veins, fibers, or lines cross ing {a ~ 
   leaf} 2: of, relating to, or constituting evolutionary change dependent on 
   compl ex new combinations of genes from varied strains of a diversified 
   interbreeding population - re.tic.u.late.ly av
2. re.tic.u.late \-.la-t\ vb [back-formation fr. reticulated, adj. 
   (reticulate)] 1: to divide, mark, or construct so as to form network  2: to 
   distribute by a network  : to become reticulated