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dis.trib.ute \dis-'trib-y*t\ \dis-.trib-y*-'te-\ vt [ME distributen, fr. L 
   distributus, pp. of distribuere, fr. (Xdis- + tribuere to allot - more at 
   TRIBUTE 1: to divide among several or many : APPORTION  2a: to spread out 
   so as to cover something : SCATTER  2b: DELIVER {~ magazines to 
   subscribers}  2c: to use (a term) so as to convey information about every 
   member of the  class named {the proposition "all men are mortal" ~s "man" 
   but not "mortal"} 3a: to divide or separate esp. into kinds  3b: to return 
   the units of (as typeset matter) to the proper storage place M may apply to 
   any manner of separating into parts and spreading out, equally or 
   systematically or merely at random; DISPENSE suggests the giving of a 
   carefully weighed or measured portion to each of a group; DIVIDE stresses 
   the initial separation of a whole into parts before giving out or 
   delivering; DEAL implies the delivery piece by piece in turn to members of 
   a group; DOLE implies a dispensing of alms to the needy but may apply to 
   any cautious dispensing or periodic giving - dis.trib.u.tee n SYN syn