Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. sign                   2. money                 
1. mark \'ma:rk\ n [ME, fr. OE mearc boundary, march, sign; akin to OHG 
   marha boundary], L margo 1: a boundary land  2a: a conspicuous object 
   serving as a guide for travelers  2b: one of the bits of leather or colored 
   bunting placed on a sounding line  at intervals 2c: TARGET  2d: the 
   starting line or position in a track event  2e1: GOAL, OBJECT  2e2: an 
   object of attack, ridicule, or abuse; specif : a victim of  a swindle 2e3: 
   the point under discussion  2f: a standard of performance, quality, or 
   condition : NORM  3a1: SIGN, INDICATION  3a2: an impression (as a scratch, 
   scar, or stain) made on something  3a3: a distinguishing trait or quality : 
   CHARACTERISTIC  3b: a symbol used for identification or indication of 
   ownership  3c: a cross made in place of a signature  3d: TRADEMARK  3e: 
   POSTMARK  3f: a symbol used by a teacher to represent his estimate of a 
   student's wor k or conduct; esp : GRADE 3g: RECORD  4a: ATTENTION, NOTICE  
   4b: IMPORTANCE, DISTINCTION  4c: a lasting or strong impression  4d: an 
   assessment of merits 
2. mark vb [ME marken, fr. OE mearcian; akin to OHG marco-n to determ]ine 
   the boundaries of, OE mearc boundary 1a1: to fix or trace out the bounds or 
   limits of  1a2: to plot the course of : CHART  1b: to set apart by a line 
   or boundary - usu. used with off  2a1: to designate as if by a mark {~ed 
   for greatness}  2a2: to make a mark on  2a3: to furnish with natural marks  
   2a4: to label to indicate price or quality  2a5: to make notations in or on 
    2b1: to make note of in writing : JOT  2b2: to indicate by a mark or 
   symbol; also : REGISTER, RE CORD 2b3: to determine the value of by means of 
   marks or symbols : GRADEM 2c1: CHARACTERIZE, DISTINGUISH  2c2: SIGNALIZE  
   3: to take notice of : OBSERVE  : to notice or observe critically : NOTE  
   1: to keep the time of a marching step by moving the feet alternately with 
   out advancing 2: to function or operate in a listless or unproductive 
   manner  - mark time 
3. mark n [ME, fr. OE marc, prob. of Scand origin; akin to ON mo:rk mark; 
   ak]in to OE mearc sign 1: any of various old European units of weight used 
   esp. for gold and silve r; esp : a unit equal to about 8 ounces 2: a unit 
   of value :  2a: an old English unit equal to 13s 4d  2b: any one of various 
   old Scandinavian or German units of value; specif  : a unit and 
   corresponding silver coin of the 16th century worth 1/2 taler 2d: MARKKA 
   Mark \'ma:rk\ n [L Marcus] 1: an evangelist believed to be the author of 
   the second Gospel in the New  Testament 2: a king of Cornwall, uncle of 
   Tristram, and husband of Isolde