Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. distribute             2. separate              
1. di.vide \d*-'vi-d\ vb [ME dividen, fr. L dividere, fr. dis- + -videre to 
   sepa]rate - more at WIDOW 1a: to separate into two or more parts, areas, or 
   groups  1b: to separate into classes, categories, or divisions  1c: CLEAVE, 
   PART  2a: to separate into portions and give out in shares : DISTRIBUTE  
   2b: to possess, enjoy, or make use of in common  2c: APPORTION  3a: to 
   cause to be separate, distinct, or apart from one another  3b: to separate 
   into opposing sides or parties  3c: to cause (a parliamentary body) to vote 
   by division  4a: to mark divisions on : GRADUATE {~ a sextant}  4b1: to 
   subject to mathematical division  4b2: to locate one or more points on (a 
   line or its extension)  1: to perform mathematical division  2a1: to become 
   separated into parts  2a2: to branch out  2b: to become separated or 
   disunited esp. in opinion or interest  2c: to vote by division 
2. divide n 1: an act of dividing  2a: a dividing ridge between drainage 
   areas : WATERSHED  2b: a point or line of division