Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ro.man.tic \ro--'mant-ik, r*-\ \-i-k(*-)le-\ aj [F romantique, fr. obs. 
   romant romance, fr. OF romans] 1: consisting of or resembling a romance  2: 
   having no basis in fact : IMAGINARY  3: impractical in conception or plan : 
   VISIONARY  4a: marked by the imaginative or emotional appeal of the heroic, 
   adventuro us, remote, mysterious, or idealized often cap  4b: of, relating 
   to, or having the characteristics of romanticism  5a: having an inclination 
   for romance  5b: ARDENT, FERVENT; esp : marked by or constituting p 
   assionate love 6: of, relating to, or constituting the part of the hero in 
   a comedy  - ro.man.ti.cal.ly av
2. romantic n 1: a romantic person, trait, or component  cap  2: