Webster's English Dictionary

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com.e.dy \'ka:m-*d-e-\ n [ME, fr. MF comedie, fr. L comoedia, fr. Gk 
   ko-mo-idia,] fr. ko-mos revel + aeidein to sing - more at ODE 1a: a 
   theatrical, film, radio, or television drama of light and amusing cha 
   racter and typically with a happy ending 1b: the genre of dramatic 
   literature dealing with the comic or with the ser ious in a light or 
   satirical manner 2a: a medieval narrative that ends happily {Dante's Divine 
   Comedy> 2b: a literary work written in a comic style or treating a comic 
   theme  3: a ludicrous or farcical event or series of events  4: the comic 