Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ap.peal \*-'pe-(*)l\ n 1: a legal proceeding by which a case is brought 
   from a lower to a higher c ourt for rehearing 2: a criminal accusation  3a: 
   an application for corroboration or decision  3b: an earnest plea : 
   ENTREATY  4: the power of arousing a sympathetic response : ATTRACTION 
2. appeal \*-.pe--l*-'bil-*t-e-\ \*-'pe--l*-b*l\ \-'pe--lin-le-\ vb [ME 
   appelen to accuse, appeal, fr. MF apeler, fr. L appelare,] fr. appellere to 
   drive to, fr. ad- + pellere to drive - more at FELT 1: to charge with a 
   crime : ACCUSE  2: to take proceedings to have (a case) reheard in a higher 
   court  1: to take a case to a higher court for rehearing  2: to call upon 
   another for corroboration, vindication, or decision  3: to make an earnest 
   request  4: to arouse a sympathetic response  - ap.peal.abil.i.ty n