Webster's English Dictionary

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1. scourge \'sk*rj also 'sko-(*)rj, 'sko.(*)rj\ n [ME, fr. AF escorge, fr. 
   (assumed) OF escorgier to whip, fr. OF ]es- ex- + L corrigia whip 1: WHIP; 
   esp : one used to inflict pain or punishment  2a: an instrument of 
   punishment or criticism  2b: a cause of widespread or great affliction 
2. scourge vt 1: to whip severely : FLOG  2a: to punish severely  2b: to 
   subject to affliction : DEVASTATE  2c: to force as if by blows of a whip  
   2d: to subject to severe criticism or satire  - scourg.er n