Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. effort                
1. pain \'pa-n\ \-l*s\ n [ME, fr. OE peine, fr. L poena, fr. Gk poine- 
   payment, pen]alty; akin to Gk tinein to pay, tinesthai to punish, time- 
   price, value, honor 1: PUNISHMENT  2a: unpleasant or distressing sensation 
   due to bodily injury or disorder  2b: acute mental or emotional distress or 
   suffering : GRIEF  pl  3: the throes of childbirth  pl  4: CARE, TROUBLE  - 
   pain.less aj
2. pain vt 1: to make suffer or cause distress to : HURT  archaic  2: to 
   put (oneself) to trouble or exertion  archaic  1: SUFFER  2: to give or 
   have a sensation of pain