Webster's English Dictionary

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syn.onym or syn.onym.i.cal \'sin-*-.nim\ \.sin-*-'nim-ik\ \-i-k*l\ 
   \-'nim-*t-e-\ n [ME sinonyme, fr. L synonymum, fr. Gk syno-nymon, fr. 
   neut]. of syno-nymos synonymous, fr. syn- + onyma name - more at NAME 1: 
   one of two or more words or expressions of the same language that have t he 
   same or nearly the same essential meaning in some or all senses 2: a 
   symbolic or figurative name : METONYM  3: a taxonomic name rejected as 
   being incorrectly applied or incorrect in f orm - syn.onym.i.c aj