Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. him                    2. his                    3. it                    
  4. she                    5. they                  
1. he \(')he-, e-\ pn [ME, fr. OE he-; akin to OE he-o she, hit it, OHG 
   he]- he, L cis, citra on this side, Gk ekeinos that person 1: that male one 
   {~ is my father}  2: that one whose sex is unknown or immaterial {~ that 
   runs may re ad}
2. he \'he-\ n often attrib  1: a male person or animal  2: one that is 
   strongly masculine or virile {a real he-man} 
3. he \'ha-\ n [Heb he-'] : the 5th letter of the Hebrew alphabet - symbol 