Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tab.by \'tab-e-\ n [F tabis, fr. ML attabi, fr. Ar 'atta-bi-, fr. Al-'A] 
   [2tabby]tta-bi-ya, quarter in Baghdad archaic  1a: a plain silk taffeta 
   esp. with moire finish  1b: a plain weave fabric  2a: a domestic cat with a 
   gray or tawny coat striped and mottled with black  2b: a domestic cat; esp 
   : a female cat  3a: a prying woman  chiefly Brit  3b: SPINSTER 
2. tabby aj 1: relating to or made of tabby  2: striped and mottled with 
   darker color : BRINDLED {~ cat }