Webster's English Dictionary

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1. quar.ter \'kwo.(r)t-*r\ n [ME, fr. OF quartier, fr. L quartarius, fr. 
   quartus fourth] 1: one of four equal parts into which something is 
   divisible : a fourth p art 2: any of various units of capacity or weight 
   equal to or derived from one  fourth of some larger unit 3: any of various 
   units of length or area equal to one fourth of some large r unit 4: the 
   fourth part of a measure of time : as  4a: one of a set of four 3-month 
   divisions of a calendar or fiscal year  4b: a school term of about 12 weeks 
    5a: a coin worth a quarter of a dollar  5b: the sum of 25 cents  6: one 
   limb of quadruped with the adjacent parts; esp : one fourth  part of the 
   carcass of a slaughtered animal including a leg 7a: the region or direction 
   lying under any of the four divisions of the ho rizon 7b: one of the four 
   parts into which the horizon is divided or the cardinal  point 
   corresponding to it 7c: a compass point or direction other than the 
   cardinal points  7d1: a person or group not definitely specified  7d2: a 
   point, direction, or place not identified  8a: a division or district of a 
   town or city  8b: the inhabitants of such a quarter  9a: an assigned 
   station or post  pl  9b: an assembly of a ship's company for ceremony, 
   drill, or emergency  pl  9c: living accommodations : LODGINGS  10: MERCY, 
   CONSIDERATION; esp : the clemency of not kil ling a defeated enemy 11: a 
   fourth part of the moon's period  12: the side of a horse's hoof between 
   the toe and the heel  13a: any of the four parts into which a heraldic 
   field is divided  13b: a bearing or charge occupying the first fourth part 
   of a heraldic fiel d 14: the state of two machine parts that are exactly at 
   right angles to one  another or are spaced about a circle so as to subtend 
   a right angle at the center of the circle 15a: the stern area of a ship's 
   side  15b: the part of the yardarm outside of the slings  16: one side of 
   the upper of a shoe or boot from heel to vamp  17: one of the four equal 
   periods into which the playing time of some games  is divided : at close 
   range or in immediate contact  - at close quarters 
2. quarter vt 1a: to divide into four equal or nearly equal parts  1b: to 
   separate into either more or fewer than four parts {~ an or ange} archaic  
   1c: to divide (a human body) into four parts  2: to provide with lodging or 
   shelter  3: to crisscross (an area) in many directions  4a: to arrange or 
   bear (as different coats of arms) quarterly on one escut cheon 4b: to add 
   (a coat of arms) to others on one escutcheon  5: to adjust or locate (as 
   cranks) at right angles in a machine  1: to occupy a residence : LODGE  2: 
   to crisscross a district  3: to change from one quarter to another {the 
   moon ~s}  4: to strike a ship's quarter {the wind ~s} 
3. quarter aj : consisting of or equal to a quarter