Webster's English Dictionary

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1. cat \'kat\ n [ME, fr. OE catt; akin to OHG kazza cat; both fr. a 
   prehistoric NGm] often attrib c-WGmc word prob. borrowed fr. LL cattus, 
   catta cat 1a: a carnivorous mammal (Felis catus) long domesticated and kept 
   by  man as a pet or for catching rats and mice 1b: any of a family 
   (Felidae) including the domestic cat, lion, tiger, leop ard, jaguar, 
   cougar, wildcat, lynx, and cheetah 1c: the fur or pelt of the domestic cat  
   2: one resembling a cat  3: a strong tackle used to hoist an anchor to the 
   cathead of a ship  4: CATBOAT  5: CAT-O'-NINE-TAILS  6: CATFISH  slang  7a: 
   a player or devotee of hot jazz  7b: GUY 
2. cat vt or cat.ted;  or cat.ting : to bring (an anchor) up to the cathead 
   Cat tm : - used for a Caterpillar tractor