Webster's English Dictionary

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1. tab \'tab\ n [origin unknown] [partly short for 1table; partly fr. sense 
   1] [by shortening] often attrib  1a: a short projecting device (as a flap 
   or loop) : as  1a1: a small hand grip  1a2: a projection from a card used 
   as an aid in filing  1b: a small insert, addition, or remnant {license 
   plate ~}  1c: APPENDAGE, EXTENSION; esp : one of a series of smal l 
   pendants forming a decorative border or edge of a garment 1d: a small 
   auxiliary airfoil hinged to a control surface (as a trailing ed ge) to help 
   stabilize an airplane in flight 2a: close surveillance : WATCH {keep ~s on 
   him}  2b: a creditor's statement : BILL, CHECK  3a: TABLOID  3b: TABULATOR  
   3c: TABLET 
2. tab vt or tabbed;  or tab.bing 1: to furnish or ornament with tabs  2: 
   to single out : DESIGNATE  3: TABULATE