Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. feminine              
1. fe.male \'fe--ma-l\ n [ME, alter. of femel, femelle, fr. MF & ML; MF 
   femelle, fr. M]L femella, fr. L, girl, dim. of femina 1: an individual that 
   bears young or produces eggs as distinguished from on e that begets young; 
   esp : a woman or girl as distinguished from a man or boy 2: a pistillate 
   plant  classification of persons, animals, or plants is intended, but is 
   used of persons only in contempt or derision; WOMAN is the generally 
   accepted term applying to all adult female persons regardless of rank or 
   character; LADY specifically designates a woman of rank and connotes the 
   qualities of dress, manner, and social behavior commonly associated with 
   women of the privileged classes SYN syn WOMAN, LADY: FEMALE is the regular 
   term where mere 
2. female aj 1a: of, relating to, or being the sex that bears young or 
   produces eggs  1b: PISTILLATE  2: designed with a hollow into which a 
   corresponding male part fits {@ coupling of a hose} - fe.male.ness n