Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. evident                2. frank                 
1. plain \'pla-n\ vi [ME plainen, fr. MF plaindre, fr. L plangere] archaic  
2. plain n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L planum, fr. neut. of planus flat, plain - 
   more] at FLOOR 1a: an extensive area of level or rolling treeless country  
   1b: a broad unbroken expanse  2: something free from artifice, ornament, or 
   extraneous matter 
3. plain \'pla-n-n*s\ aj archaic  1: EVEN, LEVEL  2: lacking ornament : 
   UNDECORATED  3: free of extraneous matter : PURE  4: free of impediments to 
   view : UNOBSTRUCTED  5a1: evident to the mind or senses : OBVIOUS  5a2: 
   CLEAR  5b: marked by candor : BLUNT  6a: COMMON, ORDINARY  6b: 
   characterized by lack of vanity or affectation  7: SIMPLE, UNCOMPLICATED  
   8: lacking beauty or ugliness : HOMELY  - plain.ly av
4. plain av : in a plain manner