Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. whole                  2. sum                   
1. to.tal \'to-t-*l\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. ML totalis, fr. L totus whole, 
   entire] 1: comprising or constituting a whole : ENTIRE {~ amount> 2: 
   COMPLETE, UTTER {a ~ failure}  3: concentrating all available personnel and 
   resources on a single objecti ve : ALL-OUT, THOROUGH-GOING
2. total n 1: a product of addition : SUM  2: an entire quantity : AMOUNT 
3. total av : TOTALLY 
4. total vt or to.taled or to.talled;  or to.tal.ing;  or to.tal.ling 1: to 
   add up : COMPUTE  2: to amount to : NUMBER