Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. full                   2. close                 
1. com.plete \k*m-'ple-t\ \-'ple-t-iv\ aj [ME complet, fr. MF, fr. L 
   completus fr. pp. of comple-re]to fill up, complete, fr. com- + ple-re to 
   fill - more at FULL 1a: possessing all necessary parts : ENTIRE  1b: having 
   all four sets of floral organs : MONOCLINOUS  of a subject or predicate  
   1c: including modifiers, complements, or objects  2: brought to an end : 
   CONCLUDED  3: highly proficient  4: fully carried out : THOROUGH  - 
   com.plete.ly av
2. complete vt 1: to bring to an end : FINISH  2: to make whole or perfect; 
   esp : to provide with all lacking par ts