Webster's English Dictionary

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tri.an.gu.lar \tri--'an-gy*-l*r\ \(.)tri--.an-gy*-'lar-*t-e-\ 
   \tri--'an-gy*-l*r-le-\ aj [LL triangularis, fr. L triangulum] 1a: of, 
   relating to, or having the form of a triangle {~ plot of l and} 1b: having 
   a triangular base or principal surface {~ table ~  pyramid} 1a1: of, 
   relating to, or involving three elements  of a military group  1a2: based 
   primarily on three units {~ division}  1b: of or relating to a love 
   triangle {a ~ love affair}  - tri.an.gu.lar.i.ty n